Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Ingredients :

  • 225g conchiglie (shell shaped) pasta
  • 250g bundle of asparagus
  • 4 tbsp Filippo Berio Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 4 skinless chicken breasts
  • 50g packet rocket
  • 120g sunblush tomatoes
  • 40g pine nuts, lightly toasted in a dry frying pan

Instructions :

1. Cook the pasta according to packet instructions. Trim the woody ends off the asparagus and cut into
5cm lengths. Place in a steamer over the boiling pan of pasta and cook for 5 minutes. Remove and
set to one side while continuing to cook the pasta.
2. Meanwhile, heat the griddle pan or heavy frying pan, brush the chicken portions with a little of the oil
then place on the griddle pan. Cook over a medium high heat for about five minutes on each side
or until cooked through (the juices should run clear when a skewer is inserted in the centre of the
breast). While the chicken is cooking, put the remaining oil in a bowl with the vinegar and mustard,
season with salt and pepper and whisk together.
3. When the pasta is cooked, drain well then return to the pan. Roughly chop the rocket and add to
the pasta with the asparagus, tomatoes and pine nuts, add the dressing and mix well to combine.
Divide between 4 warmed plates and top with the chicken breast.