Showing posts with label Beauty & health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty & health. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Apple Cider Vinegar for Candida


Candida are a group of yeasts that can cause fungal infections in different parts of the body. There are more than 20 different types of candida, but Candida albicans is the most common cause of infection.

Candida normally live in the body without causing problems. They can be found in the intestines and on a type of tissue called mucous membranes, which line the vagina and mouth.

Candida are opportunistic fungi that can grow out of control in the right circumstances. An overgrowth of candida causes an infection with a variety of symptoms. In the vagina, a candida infection is commonly known as a yeast infection. An infection in the mouth is called thrush. People with diabetes get yeast infections more often.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a scientifically proven antifungal. Laboratory researchTrusted Source shows that it can inhibit the growth of candida cultivating in a petri dish.

While it’s important to note that a petri dish is much different than a person, you may be able to use diluted ACV to treat a yeast infection by ingesting it or applying it directly to the affected area. There’s probably little risk to trying this approach.

What does the research say?

According to research ACV has benefits as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. A 2018 studyTrusted Source found that undiluted (or mildly diluted) ACV can prevent the growth of candida. The researchers discovered this effect in a candida culture, which is a small sample of these organisms.

However, more research is required to discover whether ACV works to combat yeast in the human body. It appears that this opportunistic fungus doesn’t like ACV. Consuming ACV could potentially make your body less hospitable to fungus, which means it wouldn’t grow out of control and cause an infection.

How is it used as a treatment?

You can use ACV to combat candida in a variety of different ways. You can take it to treat an overgrowth or incorporate it into your daily routine to prevent future infections.

Drink it straight

Apple cider vinegar can be taken straight, undiluted. Try taking 1 tablespoon twice per day. If you don’t like the taste, try adding a drop of honey. Follow it with a glass of water.

Continue this routine daily until your candida infection clears up or for as long as desired. You might just want to add it to salads to get the benefits.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

how to "smoky eyes"

1 Prep the eye and powder lightly; this
will help with the blending. Apply a
smoky chocolate-brown shadow under
the eye. Keep the shape slightly
rounded (as shown).

how to "bronzed eyes"

1 Prep the eyelid, making sure it is well
powdered all around; this will help you
to blend eye shadows better. Using a
wet medium brush, apply antique gold
eye shadow to the entire eyelid. Wetting
the brush will minimise fallout and
intensify the gold.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

remove the lips dead skin

Dead skin on Lips can be a problem for so many people. thank god you can remove them easily
and the best way is  by exfoliating them once a week.
to do that
Take an old brush and gently exfoliate the dead skin on your lips.
After exfoliating with a brush try this recipe Gentle Exfoliater.

1 Tsp Brown or white sugar
1 tsp Honey
Crushed Rose petals (optional)

Mix them all together and apply. Let it sit for a minute or two and gently exfoliate. This recipe makes your lips soft,
supple and velvety.
You can apply Virgin Coconut Oil in the night before going to bed to moisturize your lips.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

type of bad brows and the perfect one

Type: The big ‘M’. As in, semi-circle brows that
look like they need a compass to navigate them.
Effect: First, these are the opposite of sophisticated
(read: tarty). Second, they add five kilos instantly—
this is the best way to add weight (in a bad way) to
your face. Third, they make your nose look bigger.
And fourth, they make your eyes look droopy.

step-by-step eye prep

Most women don’t realise that the eyelids are one of the oiliest parts of the face. If you don’t
believe me, go ahead and wipe your eyelids. You will find the same kind of oil you would find
in your T-zone.
Oil is the number one killer of eye shadow. So all oil must be removed from your eyelids
before applying eye shadow. .
If you have some doubts about this, try this little experiment. Prep one eye according
to the steps below, and then apply eye shadow. Then apply eye shadow to your other eye as
you would normally do, without prepping, and watch the difference in the way your eye
makeup lasts on your prepped eye. And you will  never retouch your eye makeup, even on twelve-hour  because your eyes are  prep  properly.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

4 homemade natural facial MASKS

Avocado Carrot Cream Mask
This mask combines avocados, which are rich in Vitamin E, with carrots,which are high in beta-carotene and antioxidants, and cream, which is high in calcium and protein. These ingredients will rebuild skin collagen, improve tone and texture, and fade age spots.
• 1 avocado, mashed
• 1 carrot, cooked and mashed
• 1/2 cup heavy cream
• 1 egg, beaten
• 3 tablespoons honey
Preparation: Combine all ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Spread gently over your face and neck. Leave in place 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and follow with your favorite toner.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3 homemade recipe to take care of body, feet and hands

Maple Sugar Body Polish
• 1½ cups raw or brown sugar
• 1/3 cup pure maple syrup
• 1/3 cup olive oil
Preparation: In a medium plastic container with lid, mix ingredients well. Apply to wet skin in a circular scrub motion. Rinse well, and then follow with body lotion. Use once a week.
Hint: While shampooing, place container on shower floor, to warm it up during use. Also, take care when exiting shower, as the floor may become slippery.

Cornmeal Mush Exfoliator
• 2 tablespoons whole milk
• 1/8 cup cornmeal
Preparation: In a small bowl, mix milk and cornmeal together, and then message on to freshly washed face and neck. Allow the much to sit for five minutes. Rinse with warm water and follow with moisturizer. Use once or twice a week.

Strawberry Hand and Foot Exfoliant
Strawberries contain a natural fruit acid, which aids in exfoliation.
• 8-10 Strawberries
• 2 tablespoons Apricot Oil (you may substitute olive oil)
• 1 teaspoon of coarse salt, such as Kosher Salt, or Sea Salt
Preparation: Mix together all ingredients, massage into hands and feet, rinse, and pat dry.

3 homemade recipe to take care of lips

Cranberry Lip Gloss

• 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
• 10 fresh cranberries
• 1 teaspoon honey
• 1 drop of vitamin E oil
Preparation: Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl for a couple of minutes, or until the mixture just begins to boil. (Bowl may also be heated in a pan of water on a stovetop). Stir well and gently crush the berries. Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit pieces. Stir again and set aside to cool completely. When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin.

9 recipe for Personal Care

Bath Soak
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and
perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft. Epsom salts are pretty miraculous for the bath too.

Monday, May 25, 2015

tips for choosing the right nail polish color

Knowing how to choose the right nail polish color requires a little research, but it's pretty easy to come up with the perfect shade. Make no mistake, though: choosing the right nail polish color is important, because you want to complement your style, your skin tone, and even the shape of your hands. If you've got short fingers, for instance, you don't want a polish that makes them look stumpy, you want to elongate them. Don't worry, though, I've found everything you need to know for picking out the right nail polish!


According to Become Gorgeous and many other sources, the most important thing you should know when discovering how to choose the right nail polish color involves your skin tone. There are generally hard and fast rules for picking out a color based on your skin tone. For instance, fairer skin looks best with dark colors, especially those that have a blue base. Medium skin tones fare well with dark red shades, while darker tones can carry just about any color.


This one is tricky. Some experts say that your nail polish should never match your outfit while others say it's fine. So, my advice is that when you're choosing a nail polish color based around your outfit, go with your instincts. Feel free to choose a complementary but not necessarily matching color or, if you're in love with a particular shade that matches a top, a skirt, or a pair of shoes, go for it!


The same is true for your makeup. Opinions are mixed, so it's just a good idea to go with a complementary nail polish. You don't want to be too matchy-matchy, because that can look a little bland and tacky. The one exception is when, say, both your lipstick and your nail polish are a very dramatic shade. Then you're drawing the good kind of attention, and that's awesome


If you want to know how to choose the right nail polish color, pay attention to the current trends. What colors are most popular right now? Odds are that, no matter what your skin tone, you'll be able to find a hue within the spectrum that works for you. That's true of purples, blues, pinks, corals, and even blacks, since you can go with a matte or sparkly finish


You also need to think about the day or the occasion when you're choosing the right nail polish color. What are you doing for the day? If you're just hanging out, feel free to be colorful or try some fun designs. If you're going to work, attending a meeting, or something like that, keep things more neutral. However, if you're about to head out for a night on the town, be daring! Red is an excellent color, but whatever you do, try to keep it dark or turn toward metallic shades like bronze, silver, and gold.


The season is also an important consideration when it comes to figuring out how to choose the right nail polish color. In winter, darker colors are phenomenal. Spring calls for pretty pastels and, of course, whatever shades are popular in terms of trends. Summer is a great time for hot colors, bright acid shades and fun neon hues. For autumn, bronze, gold, red, russet, and certain neutral shades are superb!


In picking out the right nail polish color, you also need to know what to avoid. For instance, if you're very fair, don't get something too dark, or it can make your hands look washed out. If you have very square nails, avoid anything too light. This basically comes down to trial and error though; sometimes you have to try something to see that it doesn't work for you.


Now, this tip might seem like it nullifies all the others, and I'll grant you, it kind of does. See, it all comes down to you to choose which polish works best for you. Some of these rules might not pertain to you, or you simply might not care. No problem! These are your nails, after all, so if the rules dictate that your favorite color won't look good on you but you want to wear it anyway, do it!

You can easily learn how to choose the right nail polish color – and don't worry, there are no hard and fast rules. If there's a color you like but this list says you can't wear it, no problem! Just find a different shade, a matte shade, or a polish with sparkles, and make it work for you! When you're choosing a nail polish color, what do you focus on the most?

5 fresh foods to fight allergies

Allergy season is in full swing, and the the horrible symptoms can be a total buzz kill. But you can breathe a sigh of relief as The List's Donna Ruko, with the help of Dr. Ed Lamadrid have the top five foods to fight allergies -- and some of the miracle workers may already be in your kitchen!

1. Honey. The sweet substance works as a vaccine for pollen. It has to be local to work, and eating it every day will get your body used to that amount of pollen.

2. Vitamin A from foods like sweet potatoes and carrots can promote a healthy mucus membrane, which is where runny noses come from.

3. Quercetene works like nature's antihistamine. Found in onions, apples and citruses, it regulates the mast cells in the sinuses.

4. Peppermint tea, especially served cold, will soothe sinus passages and work with soothing the throat.

5. Stinging nettle tea is also a powerful antihistamine and works like quercetene.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

kombu bath

This bath is soothing and relaxing, while cleansing and nourishing the skin. The minerals and organic acids in kombu help to dissolve cellulite by breaking down fats in the body over time. Can be done 1 to 2 times per week until the skin improves. Helps to smooth and soften the skin.


  • 1 piece Kombu, 6 to 8 inches long
  • hot water
  • 1 handful Sea Salt


Place the sea salt and kombu in the bath tub. Add hot water for a bath until comfortable. Soak for 10 minutes or so, rubbing the kombu on your skin if you wish.

arame hip bath

By inducing perspiration and increasing circulation this traditional Japanese remedy has been used for hundreds of years, helping to dissolve excess stored fat and oils from the body. Especially good for women's reproductive organs and for the skin. Aids in reducing body odors by cleansing the pores through increased perspiration and circulation. Use this bath 1 to 3 times per week for 1 month or nightly for 10 days in a row. 

NOTE: Do not use this bath if pregnant, nursing, or menstruating. Not recommended for men.


  • 1 cup Arame, 1 large handful
  • 4 quarts water
  • 1 handful Sea Salt


Place the arame and water in a large pot. Bring to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Add the sea salt and stir to dissolve. Pour the hot liquid through a strainer into a bath tub or sitz bath. Add additional warm water to waist level. Try to keep the temperature as hot as you can stand without burning yourself. Wrap your upper body in a thick bath towel and sit for 10 to 20 minutes.

How To Care For Your Red Hair

Red hair is taking Hollywood by storm — Rachel McAdams, Dianna Agron and Megan Fox have all opted for the bright hue recently, and who can blame them? The color is bold, and it works on anyone. The trick is finding the right shade for your skin tone. However, we do have two reservations about taking the plunge: the commitment and maintenance that comes with it. Here are some tricks to make the transition easier from celebrity stylist and Matrix Artistic Director Ammon Carver.

How To Care For Your Hair
Dying your hair any color is stressful on strands, but red needs even more TLC. “If your hair is dark, chances are you’ll need to lighten your hair before you color it, which can be a bit more damaging on your hair,” Carver says. “Minimize the stress by using moisturizing, repairing and hydrating products.” Matrix Total Results Color Care Miracle Treat 12 Lotion Spray is rich in antioxidant sunflower oil to condition the hair, smooth the cuticle and protect the color.

“If your hair is light, you’ll likely need what is called a filler, a preliminary deposit of color on your hair that will enable it to hold the final red tone,” says Carver. This kind of commitment requires regular touch-ups. (I touch up my copper strands every five weeks because of fading). To prolong a salon visit, use a root touch-up like Oscar Blandi Pronto Colore Root Touch-Up & Highlighting Pen in Warm Reddish Brown . The pen allows you to paint in natural-looking color in seconds.

How To Make Your Color Last Longer
Ammon’s advice on making the vibrant hue last: “Use cool water when washing your hair, skip days between washes and always, always, always use a color safe shampoo and conditioning system. This is more important with reds, as the key to rocking the shade is keeping it vibrant.”

Keep color from fading with color protecting shampoo like b•leve b•colorful shampoo , which enhances color and protects against sun damage with its blend of sunflower extract and white tea. Add shine and moisture by scheduling a glaze or even doing one at home weekly, such as Oscar Blandi At-Home Salon Glaze

The 5 Rules of Luscious Lashes

During this sticky, humid time of year the last thing we want are globs of makeup. But long, luscious lashes — those are a year-round necessity. Follow these five rules to get perfect eyelashes without having to revert to time-consuming falsies or expensive extensions.

1. Eyelash curlers are essential. 
Sonia Kashuk, makeup artist and founder of Sonia Kashuk Beauty, swears by lash curlers as the key to giving lashes that “wow” factor. “Be sure to choose one that creates a beautiful upward curl, such as Sonia Kashuk Dramatically Defining Eye Lash Curler , and with a delicate pumping motion, move from the lash base upward for maximum results.” And always curl before applying mascara, not after. When bare, “The eyelashes are suppler so the crimping of the lash doesn’t feel as damaging,” Kashuk explains.

2. Let lashes set between layers of mascara.
Practice a little patience between each coat. “Giving a little bit of air time between each coat will allow the mascara to set and build upon each layer instead of gooping up as one big clump,” Kashuk says. One of our new favorite non-clumping mascaras is Topshop False Lash Mascara  — the formula adds volume while the wand combs and separates.

3. Prevent “spider lashes” with a lash comb.
Avoid spidery clumps by combing lashes after applying mascara. “A metal-toothed lash comb is key; apply a coat, wait a few seconds, brush through eyelashes, and then apply the next coat.” Sonia Kashuk’s new double-ended Lashify Mascara  comes complete with a lash comb for quick brushing.

4. Don’t layer different mascaras. 
“I wouldn’t recommend this, as some formulas will not mix well and end up clumping,” Kashuk says. However, some mixing and matching does work. If there’s a wand you perfer over another, clean it off and use with your favorite formula or as a lash comb.

5. Condition and treat your lashes daily.
Just like your hair, your lashes need a little TLC. Lash conditioners, such as Dior Diorshow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum  work as a primer, creating a smooth surface for mascara. Growth treatments like Latisse “stimulate the eyelash growth cycle, making it longer, so lashes come in longer, darker and thicker,” says Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, Co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, DC. Full results take within 2-3 months, while improvements show within 4 weeks.

23 tips to pop up your eyes

1. If you have a hard time using soft eyeliner pencils, draw a thick line onto your hand, use a stiff eye brush to pick up the pigment and then apply to your eye.

2. Need eye drops but don’t want to ruin your makeup? Breathe air in through your nose as you drop them into your eyes. Your tear ducts will suck in the drops before they have a chance to fall down your face. 

3. Use a flesh colored liner on the water rim of your lower lash line to make eyes look bigger and brighter.

4. Apply a shimmery champagne color in the inner corner of your eyes to brighten your whole face.

5. Apply highlighter onto your brow bone.

6. Swap out your neutral black or brown liner for a brightly colored one instead.

7. Apply concealer to your under-eye circles after foundation (not before) to better camouflage them.

8. Use eye shadow made for your eye color, like Almay Intense i-Color Kit

9. To correct eye makeup mistakes or sharpen a cat eye, dip a Q-tip in eye makeup remover and erase the offending makeup. 

10. To make your eye color stand out, apply black liner around the entire eye, including the water line.

11. Instead of swiping on eye shadow, press the color into your eyelid with a brush or finger. This will give your lids a more pigmented look.

12. Keep a clean eye shadow brush or Q-tip in your purse. Whenever you touch up your makeup, run it over your lids to get rid of any excess shadow that has collected in the crease.

13. Camouflage crow’s feet with lighter colored concealer.

14. Use blue eyeliner to make the whites of your eyes appear brighter.

15. Apply eye cream under the eyes and onto the lid before applying your makeup. It will make it go on smoother. 

16. For a dramatic eye, apply darker shadow to the crease, as well as a small triangle of color at the outside corner of your eye. 

17. Use coconut oil as an all-natural eye makeup remover. It’s gentle, yet effective.

18. After you’ve applied your eye makeup, dab dots of highlighter along the brow bone and around your eye and blend in to brighten the whole area.

19. Apply products to your delicate eye area using your ring finger, which uses less force than your other fingers.

20. You can use darker shades of nude and brown to create a subtle smoky eye look that works on everyone.

21. The most important rule when wearing a smoky eye is that if you go dark, keep the rest of your face soft.

22. Use two colors that are similar but different (like light purple and dark purple) on the lids to create dimension.

23. If your eyes are brown, use navy blue shadow to really make them stand out.

Guide to Finding the Right Lipstick

Here are a few quick tips to help you find your next signature lipstick shade.

Best Bet: Two Shades Darker
According to makeup artist Bobbi Brown, the most flattering lip tones will be one or two shades darker than your natural lip colour.

Figure Out Your Skin’s Undertone
Look at the veins in your inner wrists in the natural light. If they appear bluish, you have a cool undertone. If they look more greenish, then your undertone is warm. Rosy pink, pomegranate, and cranberry tones look best on cool skin tones; while bronze, copper, and cinnamon work better on warm skin tones.

It’s Also About Your Lip Shape
Darker colours make lips look smaller, while brighter colours make lips appear bigger. Stay away from dark shades and stick to light-to-medium shades if you have thin lips. Darker shades also tend to draw more attention to your lips, a tip you should keep in mind if you want to accentuate or minimise your puckers.

Don’t Be Afraid to Go Nude
Pick a nude lip colour that is slightly brighter or deeper than your skin tone. If you’re pale, look for something with a hint of pink.

Actually, Anyone Can Wear Red
The secret to choosing the right red lip colour is in the undertones. Try on cherry red if you’re pink skinned, fire-engine red if you’re olive skinned, and deep red if you’re dark skinned.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Recipe to Lightening your hair

For this Hair Lightening Recipe you will need:

Ingredients :

  • 2 Tablespoon Raw Honey (Manuka is better but any raw honey will do)
  • 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon Powder
  • Juice of 3 Lemons
  • 2 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive oil (it works as a moisturizer
and doesn't let your hair dry because lemon tends to make your hair dry)

Instructions :

Mix all the ingredients together and apply it to your hair. If you hair is very long you will have to increase the amount of ingredients accordingly. Rinse your hair with shampoo after 2 hours. If you don't want it to lighten too much 1 hour should be fine.
Want to darken your hair? Brew some Rosemary Tea and use it as a final rinse.
Rinsing with Beer gives your hair shine and volume.
Apple cider vinegar rinse makes your hair soft and Lemon hair rinse brightens your highlights and works on oily scalp and dandruff.