Showing posts with label Sex & relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex & relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How fighting is a love sign

According to recent surveys, 44% of married couples ( believe that fighting more than once a week helps them to keep healthy and productive relationships for a long time. In fact, couples who argue often, but always in a peaceful manner, are more likely to stay together because, despite all the small misunderstandings, they know that their love is true and sincere.
We at Bright Side learned why fighting from time to time can be good for your relationships.

9. Fighting is a sign of a mature relationship.

Constant conflict avoidance is definitely not the best way to build a long-lasting relationship. On the contrary, if you’re able to speak your mind clearly when arguing, it means that you’re ready to take your love to another level (
Mature people don’t resort to personal attacks or yelling either. Instead, they always try to reach a compromise and improve their relationship with the help of a healthy argument.

8. Fighting means you care.

Of course, it would be much easier to just turn a blind eye to some of your partner’s habits that drive you crazy. But the fact that you’re ready to withstand all the pain and discomfort of fighting to get a better result in the future may be a sign of your true love.
In other words, arguing means that you’re more committed. Just remember — how often do you fight with your parents or your siblings? The same goes for your partner: if you argue a lot and always get over it, this means that you see the bigger picture ( with your loved one.

7. Fighting makes your communication easier.

In order to create trust in your relationship, you shouldn’t keep quiet. On the contrary, it’s necessary to approach your partner with an open mind, taking responsibility for your actions and listening to each other carefully.
Since arguing is one of the major forms of communication and the most honest one, it really helps to accelerate the feelings of intimacy, trust, and connection and to teach your partner how to communicate ( with you in a more productive way.

6. Fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship.

Psychologists ( believe that there are 7 key points to a healthy and happy relationship,and arguing is one of them. In fact, if a couple never argues, this may be a sign that something isn’t quite right with them.
Arguing helps couples reconsider their values and feelings by addressing and discussing the things that are important to them. However, your argument should be healthy and non-combative — always try to state your points without name-calling or raising your voice.

5. Fighting makes your connection stronger.

When you’re arguing with your partner, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. The most valuable thing is that you learn a lot about each other and even more importantly, about yourself.
Small conflicts ( help both of you reveal your true nature and show your partner how to deal with it. And if you manage to overcome all the challenges together, you will learn how to compromise and strengthen the bond between you.

4. Fighting relieves your resentment.

Being in a relationship is not that easy — if you care about your partner, you always have to flex your boundaries. And if they don’t do the same for you, you may start feeling resentment (
Not standing your ground when it comes to the things that are important to you may make your partner think that they can have whatever they want, and your resentment will only grow. That’s the road to an unhealthy relationship.
The best way to deal with this problem is to let your negative feelings out and show your partner that you’re both equals with your own needs.

3. Fighting means you’re more likely to stay together.

According to some studies (, the biggest mistake that couples usually makeis avoidance — we often feel that something is wrong but say nothing. And this poor communication becomes the most common reason for breaking up.
Although you may believe that discussing sensitive issues won’t do any good for your relationship, that’s actually not true. Fighting allows you to focus on your problems and to solve them before they become too large. That’s why couples who argue together, stay together for a long period of time.

2. Fighting reveals your passion.

Some couples really enjoy intense arguments because they increase their hormone levels. Subconsciously, those people know that fighting is just a sign of their passion (, and their disagreement will end up being an even more passionate makeup.
If you want to keep your relationship strong and thriving, it’s necessary to let your emotions out from time to time rather than to hold them in. But don’t forget to finish any argument in a positive way.

1. Fighting saves you from boredom.

Even if you’ve been together for several years, there will always be some things you don’t agree on. And that’s not bad at all — constructive conflicts may fuel the spark of your relationship and make it more exciting.
Just imagine how boring ( your love would be if you both always agreed on everything! So don’t panic next time you feel that there’s going to be an argument between you and your loved one. Instead, try to make it beneficial for your relationship and future life together.

Monday, May 25, 2015

benefits of kissing

It’s too easy to get stuck in a routine, as crazy and hectic as it may be, and not take a timeout every now and then to give some lovin’ to your significant other. Another long day comes to a close and you drift off to sleep maybe without even having thought about reminding you partner that you love them, let alone getting frisky after the kids are asleep. But tomorrow, take every passing chance for a quick smooch because it is, in fact, good for your health and the health of your relationship. Here are five reasons why you should seize the moments when you pass in the hallway or prepare your coffee in the kitchen to lock lips with your significant other.

Kissing helps reduce stress. According to Everyday Health, kissing lowers levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and increases levels of oxytocin. As a result, you can relax and enjoy the moment, forgetting the pressures of each day while giving special attention to your mate.

Kissing makes you happy. In addition to easing stress, stealing a kiss helps make you happier. When you engage in a kissing session, your body releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. According to Women’s Health, kissing can also result in a stronger relationship. Happiness and satisfaction in a relationship can create a positive chain reaction that resonates throughout your home.

Kissing fights cavities. According to  CNN, the saliva swap that occurs during a make-out session helps wash away plaque and ultimately fights cavities. This isn’t an excuse to skip brushing your teeth, but how great is it that something so fun can be good for your teeth?

Kissing boosts your immunity. A dose of kissing results in an exchange of germs. In response, your body produces antibodies to fight sickness, which makes kissing a vaccine of sorts. So lay ‘em on thick! (via Popsugar)

Kissing helps with weight loss. Don’t be deceived. If you give your partner a quick peck each morning, you aren’t going to see the pounds just fall off. A really intense kissing escapade, however, can raise your heart rate and double your metabolic rate. In addition, because kissing lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone also associated with overeating, it also causes you to eat less and shed some pounds. (via WebMD)

It’s easy to see that the benefits of kissing are all interwoven to positively effect several areas of your life. Not only will you see the benefits when you take time to lay some sugar on your significant other, but your partner will see reap the benefits, too. Be intentional and steal a kiss. You’ll feel better and so will your relationship.

The reason men like jealous women ??

Jealous girlfriends seem like they'd be unattractive, right? Think of all the fighting. And strife. And exhaustion that comes from constantly having to justify oneself.
A writer for Details magazine described how jealousy is what fuels some men and their love of their girlfriends. If she is looking at other women like the enemy, then you know she is into you. Or something like that. But is that healthy?

I say it is. We all do it to a certain extent.

When my husband and I met, he had a girlfriend. I didn't know it at the time and he ended things pretty quickly, but I will admit the fact that she practically begged him not to leave was a pretty big turn-on. And then there were the other women who wanted him. A boss at work. A co-worker who put her arms around him and told him: "I'm not pretty like your wife, but I'm better in bed."

I used to rage at home, check his email, throw things around the house, demand all his passwords and email women I thought were out of line. Yep, I was a little nutso. But knowing other women wanted him made him hotter to me. And knowing how badly I wanted to keep him made me hotter to him.

This all happened before we had children. We've been married 12 years now and my jealousy has cooled. We are old fogies now. I love it. But thinking back on those days can still get me heated. There is something about fighting for what you love that makes it a more worthy goal.

It may not be healthy, but jealousy keeps those flames high and can fuel a passion that can last forever. So don't discount it. There is something inherently sizzling about knowing you are with a wanted man. And vice versa.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

mens become stupid next to attractive womens

It should come as no surprise that the sight of an attractive female has a devastating effect on the cognitive functioning of the male brain. Studies and surveys have verified this in a variety of different ways. Some show that this most natural of male reactions can have dangerous consequences.

Men Retain Less Information When The Anchor Of A News Show Is An Attractive Female

A study was conducted where 400 men were randomly assigned to watch one of two versions of the news delivered by the same woman. In one version, the 24 year old woman was dressed in an outfit that emphasized her waist-to-hip ratio. She also wore bright red lipstick and a necklace. In the other, she wore shapeless, loose fitting clothes and did not use lipstick or wear a necklace.

The men were subsequently tested, and it was found that those who watched the “sexualized” version retained significantly less news information than the men who watched the “desexualized” version.

Male Drivers Are More Likely To Crash Their Car When Distracted By An Attractive Woman

A survey of 15,000 Irish motorists found that 30 percent of the men came close to getting into an accident as a result of being distracted by an attractive female. Pedestrians and bicyclists primarily caught their attention.

Women Ruin Men’s Ability To Think

Researchers at the university of Leuven gave 176 heterosexual male students, aged 18 to 28, a set of financial games to test their fair play. Roughly half were shown pictures of landscapes, while the other half were shown photos of attractive women.

The men who had viewed the sexy images were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who viewed the landscapes. It was also found that higher testosterone levels made them more susceptible to distraction by the sexy images.

Men Literally Lose Their Minds When Talking To Attractive Women

Psychologists at Radboud University, performed a study on 40 male heterosexual students. The students were first given a memory test and then had a seven minute chat with either a male or female. The men who chatted with the female showed a performance decline when they took the memory test a second time.

the length of a man’s penis is necessary for women to achieve the orgasm

A current study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine was based on research that examined the likelihood and circumstances surrounding a vaginal orgasm, specifically one that is achieved by penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI).   Research from this study has indicated that one of the factors that cause a woman to orgasm from penile-vaginal intercourse consistently, without focused clitoral stimulation, was the length of a man’s penis.  Conclusively stating that a longer penis was a key influence in a woman’s capacity to achieve a vaginal orgasm, as opposed to a clitoral orgasm. While other factors such as “mental attention to vaginal sensations” were also said to play a part, this study discovered that length really does matter when it comes to reaching orgasm during penile-vaginal sex.

Study: Length Does Matter When it comes to Vaginal Orgasms
Longer penises were preferred “across cultures” by women who have vaginal orgasms.

The study focused on the relationship between penile length, and “deep vaginal stimulation”, as opposed to clitoral or shallow vaginal sensations.  75 Czech women, between the ages of 18 and 36, were interviewed to form the basis of this study.  Some interesting information was discovered, including that “the association between penis size and [vaginal orgasmic consistency], together with female preference for longer penises was confirmed in cross-cultural samples.”  The study also looked at the reasoning behind size and orgasm frequency in women including “greater sexual responsiveness in deep vaginal and cervical areas”.  It was revealed, that the women who experienced this deep vaginal stimulation, desired penile-vaginal intercourse more often, and led to a greater bonding with her partner as opposed to only outer clitoral stimulation.

A woman’s “sexual arousability of the deep vagina” was more often the cause of frequent vaginal orgasms, thereby conclusive with the preferred length of a man’s penis. The study suggests that women who achieve orgasm with a particular man are generally pleased with their choice in a mate.  The research of “multiple studies found [that] intimate relationship quality and satisfaction [was] associated with vaginal orgasm.” Therefore, it is evident with regards to the studied participants, that women choose mates on a conscious and subconscious level, that they believe will be capable of fulfilling this inherent need to achieve an orgasm during penile-vaginal intercourse

This explains why “women who are more likely to have vaginal orgasm have a preference for a longer penis […] that might more effectively provide deep vaginal and cervical stimulation, and thus stimulate additional nerves to those stimulated by middle or shallow vaginal stimulation”.  This also alludes to “an evolutionary understanding of vaginal orgasm also being an indicator of quality of the male partner” one that suggests that orgasm is tied to the innate reproductive desires.  Since “penis length appears to be related to prenatal and postnatal testosterone influences.”

Therefore the study adds credibility to the “evidence for vaginal and clitoral orgasms having different physiological and psychological aspects [and] functions.”  It aims to provide women with a greater understanding of the vagina’s capacity for orgasm, of both clitoral and deep vaginal/cervical areas.

This study was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

wearing socks during sex help to achieve the orgasm

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Wageningen in the Nederlands, found that the ability for men and women to orgasm during during sex rose significantly if they slapped on a pair of socks.

Well, the “Orgasmic Sock Effect” was first discovered during a 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University.   During that study, couples where having sex while undergoing brain scanning, so researchers could investigate how psychological states and physical stimulation affect people’s ability to orgasm.

During the study, the participants began to complain about the cool temperatures in the scanning room, so the researchers gave the couples pairs of socks to wear in order to do the deed in relative comfort.  What they found after was quite astonishing.  Providing the couples with socks helped increase their ability to orgasm from 50% to 80%.

The University of Wageningen study focused on whether socks could indeed increase the ability to orgasm, and guess what?  It did, from 50% to 80%.

OK . . . .  How does it work?

Researchers surmised that keeping feet warm allowed for a more comfortable state in which to enjoy the sexual experience.  This level of comfort allowed the couples to be more relaxed and focused on their activity.

So, to make the evening perfect, don’t forget the music, the candles, and a comfy pair of tube socks.

how to have your first kiss

Make yourself kissable. 

Not only will these tips help you feel more confident when you go in for a liplock, they'll also send subtle hints that you're ready to be kissed.

Wear lipstick or chapstick. Skip the sticky lip gloss.

Keep your breath fresh. Pop a mint beforehand instead of chewing minty gum, which you'll have to find a way to spit out.
Smell amazing. Before you meet up with your guy, shower off and use scented moisturizer or a few spritzes of perfume.

Lean in and make eye contact.

 Lean your head on your guy's shoulder as if you are about to fall asleep. Look up at him - if his arm goes around to let you in, go for the kiss. If not, or if he doesn't seem to be taking things the same way you are, he might not be ready yet. Just relax for now.

Hint that you want a kiss.

There are a few things to do to plant the idea of kissing you like he thought of it. Try these:
Look at his lips. Drop your gaze and your eyelids to half mast, then slowly, look back up at him and give him a little welcoming smile.
Reach up to twine your arms around his neck, or lightly play with the hair at his neckline. This will let him know you are ready to get up close and personal.
Slowly lean your face closer to his. Moving in communicates that you're ready for more contact.

Consider taking the lead.

Some guys are very shy, and even those who aren't have been drilled over and over about unwelcome touching. Consider lightly kissing him on the cheek to show him that you're okay with touch, a lot of boys worry about going too far.

Invite him to kiss you.

Yep, some guys really do need an engraved invitation. Let's say you've tried to show him you're ready, and he looks interested, but you just can't get him to kiss you. Say something like, "Couldn't we just be kissing right now?" If he doesn't kiss you then, he isn't going to.

Keep it gentle at first.

Don't bring out the tongue, teeth or strong embraces on the first few kisses. Instead, keep your lips soft and slightly parted, and avoid puckering.
For more technique tips, see How to Kiss.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Is It Possible To Have A Casual Relationship When You’re Divorced With Kids?

You’ve probably heard people saying that divorced moms and dads should only date, have sex, or even re-marry when their children are already 18. Although it’s a bad idea for parents to bring home different dates and invite them to sleep over while their children are at home, there are scenarios that allow divorced parents to date without affecting their kids too much. They can go out on a date while someone looks after their kids. Some parents prefer casual relationships before engaging in something serious. The question is, is it possible for divorced moms and dads to get into a causal relationship?

What happens when parents don’t date after a divorce?

Single Parents are more prone to depression, if they don’t start dating after a divorce
Single Parents are more prone to depression, if they don’t start dating after a divorce
If divorcees don’t date until their children are 18, they may just give their kids the message that they’ll have to pay the price of marrying the wrong person for many years. Young adults may be reluctant or even afraid to get into a relationship and some may never marry at all. They become worried that they’ll marry the wrong person and suffer forever. This can cause fear, and some kids may choose to stay single forever.
Romance and sex are two of the perks that you enjoy as an adult. There’s no need to sacrifice too much and end up forgetting about these perks. Even if people say that having a casual relationship will hurt your kids emotional health, it will really depend on the kind of love and care you give them. As long as you show your love and care for them, getting into a casual relationship won’t pose problems. Respect your children as they respect you and never forget to have ample time for them.

What should you do before engaging in a casual relationship?

If your kids are between 5 to 10 years old, expect them to be possessive. Your kids are also affected by the divorce and are dealing with different issues caused by the divorce. As a parent, you need to let your kids know how important they are. They should know that they have the right to continue having a good relationship with your ex-spouse. Also, your children should understand the possibility that someone new might come into your life. You have to do all of this before you even start dating casually.

Is it all right to introduce your partner to your kids if you’re still in a casual relationship?

It is not advisable to introduce a casual relationship partner to your kids. Casual relationships don’t last (they rarely do), and you don’t want your kids to see you having different partners now and then. It will make them confused. And because your children love you, they’ll be more afraid that you’ll get hurt over and over again. Being a parent, you don’t want your kids to trouble themselves too much just because you’re dating different people. Give them the chance to be kids. Don’t give them anything to worry about most especially when it comes to your relationships.

What should you do when you’re in a casual relationship?

Be honest. Make sure that you know the reason why you’re getting into the relationship. Also, you have to be honest to your partner that you have kids. It may not matter considering that you’re just in a casual relationship. Then again, it’s still best to be honest so it’s easier to say no in case your children need you.
Be safe. Even if it’s just a casual relationship, remember that that are some people who won’t hesitate to hurt you or take advantage of you. You can’t let someone you barely know physically hurt you or you’ll have a hard time fulfilling your responsibilities as a parent.
Set your priorities. As a parent, your kids should come first. You can’t let your casual relationship make you less of a parent. Keep in mind that you’re in the relationship just for the fun. Don’t allow it to ruin the relationship you have with your children.
Don’t take your partner home. This isn’t a good idea especially if you don’t know the person well. Your children are at home and there’s a chance that they’ll meet your partner.

So is it possible to have a casual relationship even if you are divorced and you have children?

Yes, it is. You can manage to have a casual relationship and still be a good parent. It’s a matter of knowing your priorities. In case the casual relationship causes trouble and makes you have parenting problems, you know what to do. End the relationship and focus on your children. Give yourself some time before you get into another relationship.

5 Tips That Will Improve Your Sex Life Overnight

Men and women want to have satisfying sex lives. As much as they’d like every encounter to give sexual gratification, it doesn’t happen all the time. There are people who are not contented with their sex lives. Some individuals are even unhappy. They know that there’s a lot of room for improvement, and they’d like to see changes overnight. If recently you haven’t been happy with how things are going in the bedroom, it’s time for you to make a move. Here are 5 tips that can improve your sex life overnight.

Be adventurous and try something different

Has sex become routine for you? Has it been the same for the past few years? It’s time to do something different. Get out of your comfort zone and let out the adventurer in you. It’s the best time to try things you’ve never tried before including those you never thought you’d ever do. Your next sex can be done in a public place. Or perhaps try it in another room or maybe on top of the table or washing machine.
You can also try different positions. Any position when overused gets boring. Also, new positions results in high arousal levels. It’s best surprising your lover with a new position now and then. There are no limitations to what you can do when having sex. Come up with new positions, no matter how weird it may seem. Do anything that’s far from what you usually do. Stop the monotony. You deserve to have a better sex life and being adventurous will take you to different heights.

Take it slow and easy

Spend enough time for foreplay. Women need a lot of foreplay to make it easier to orgasm, and men should address this need. In return, women should not be selfish in giving oral sex. Taking it nice and slow increases tension, and makes both man and woman feel ecstasy they have never felt before. Sex should not be selfish. It has to be give and take. That way, everyone will be satisfied at the end of it.

Have a lot of dirty talk

Men are good in kinky talk. Women, on the other hand, find it uncomfortable. Girls need to express their thoughts and sexual desires and it can be done through dirty talk. If it’s the first dirty talk session for the girl, a guy should know how to make her feel comfortable. It has to start with a whisper and not a snarl. It has to sound sexy even when tension is filling up the bedroom. Dirty talk will always work because it’s different from all other forms of sex play simply because it has words. Then again, how effective it will be depends on what goes out of your mouth and the manner you say it. Remember that better sex results from good communication. Communicating your thought in a sexy way will keep things heated the entire night.

Tell your partner you’re enjoying it

Do what you can turn on your partner and that means spending a lot of time for foreplay. Guys should not make their lovers feel that they’re doing all the work. They should instead let women know that they’re enjoying it. Of course, ladies should also know how to give back.

Use your creativity

Be resourceful and look for things that you can use during sex. Whipped cream, for example, is a good addition to the bedroom. There are likewise a lot of sex toys available. Don’t hesitate to use these toys during sex. There’s nothing wrong with being naughty especially if it can improve your sex life. Even a little effort can bring a big difference. Girls will admire it and guys will consider it as another adventure. Being naughty will fill both parties with anticipation. It also sets off the fireworks and ensure that sex will be fun from start to end.

Understanding that your sex life badly needs a boost is essential before you even try to improve it. Accept it, there are a lot of ways for you to get better. It usually takes time to improve one’s sex life, especially one that has gotten monotonous. Then again, if you are serious about making it better and you stick to the tips mentioned above, your sex life will be different tomorrow. Most importantly, the rewards are long-term and you can have great sex for many years. Life is short. Make the most out of it. Conserve energy, relax, and have the best sex of your life.

The benefits of the foreplay

Sex is one of the finest things an individual will experience when in a relationship. Almost all men and women enjoy their relationship when they have a great sex life. However, there is a huge difference between sexual satisfaction among men and women. Men can easily get an orgasm or satisfaction while women have difficulty getting satisfied.

It is rather difficult to make a woman achieve an orgasm. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs to every lady. One way to help you girl is by investing in long foreplays. Foreplay can be sexual or non-sexual and it is done to help prepare the body for intercourse. Giving foreplay will help warm up a woman’s body and helps intensify the sexual connection. There are benefits and advantages in giving foreplay. Below are some of the things that make foreplay a wonderful sexual technique.

Helps you map out your girl’s body

Foreplay is very important because it can help you learn more about your girlfriend’s body. It gives you information on the sensitive anatomical parts of a girl’s body. Knowing the sensitive body parts is essential because it can help you stimulate a girl. Every woman has her own hidden erogenous spots on her body. It can be the back of the neck, the hips, or the ears among others. Knowing the right zone will make sex better for both of you.
There are many ways to explore a female body. You can use your hands, fingers, lips and even your tongue. You can play with the girl’s body using your finger and try stroking each body part gently. Do not get into the vagina immediately; try to relax and create tension. You can also try licking the body or you can start by kissing. Just don’t rush; take it slow and gently.

Gives you more time before you can achieve orgasm

Unlike women, men are naturally quick in getting an orgasm. Men can usually get an orgasm any moment during the sexual activity. To buy a man more time before achieving orgasm, it is a wise decision to engage in foreplay. It can give you 20 to 30 minutes of time before achieving orgasm, thereby making your partner more satisfied.
Foreplay does not only buy you more time, but it can also give you more sex. Getting to the intercourse directly without having to do foreplay can make your girl uncomfortable with sex. If she is uncomfortable, then there is a big chance that she will not be satisfied. Making your girl comfortable will make sex enjoyable and it will also make her to want you more.
The best way to start foreplay is through kissing. Kiss your girl passionately and let your hand explore her body. Stroke her back or her inner thigh. Get her stimulated and warmed up by teasing her. Doing some of these will assure you that both of you will get orgasms simultaneously.

It helps your girl achieve multiple orgasms

Getting an orgasm is the usual issue that some girls have, which is why they don’t like sex as much as men do. Men can get an orgasm and leave the girl hanging and wanting for more. Through the effective use of foreplay, you will not only have simultaneous orgasms with you girl but she will also be able to achieve multiple orgasms.
Penetration is not the only way for girls to achieve an orgasm. A girl can actually get an orgasm through fondling alone. Giving her a good oral sex can also help in achieving an orgasm. There are certainly other ways to sexual satisfaction. By the time she gets an orgasm through foreplay, she can get another orgasm the moment you get inside her.
You can begin by giving a kinky talk during sex. Dirty talk can easily stimulate a woman’s imagination. Talk to her about how you want to enter her and other things you are planning to do to her body. This way, she can create an image in her mind, thereby increasing sexual tension. As you are talking to her, grab her breasts or stroke her clitoris; this will surely make your girl lose her senses and end up having an initial orgasm.
Women can be great sex partners if they are well motivated. One of the best ways to motivate any girl is to give them foreplay. You can use foreplay not only to satisfy a woman, but also to satisfy your sexual desires and help improve your skills in bed.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

benefits of sleeping nude with your partner

I can't think in anything better than sleeping nude with you belove, but it turn out there is some benefits in doing this, so check out this list.

You may like your partner more: A 2014 survey of Brits by Cotton USA (which promotes cotton products that likely include both pajamas and sheets) found that 57% of those who slept nude reported being happy in their relationship. That was 9 percentage points more than PJ wearers, followed by 43% of nightie wearers. Onesie wearers—they apparently exist—brought up the rear at 38%, per the Daily Mail.

It could help prevent diabetes: It's a bit of a stretch, but here's the logic: Adults have small amounts of brown fat (aka "good fat") in their bodies, and a 2014 study looked at how bedroom temperature affected the fat. The four-month study was small: just five males who slept in rooms heated to 66-, 75-, or 81-degrees. After four weeks spent at the coldest temp, the men had almost twice as much brown fat, and their insulin sensitivity was better, which a researcher says could lower their diabetes risk. Four weeks at 81 degrees undid all the benefits. Though the New York Times points out the test subjects slept in hospital scrubs, going naked could help prevent overheating.

It's better for your lady health: Cosmopolitan cites advice from Dr. Jennifer Landa, who points out that an overly warm environment could spur too much yeast or bacteria to grow in the vaginal area. By passing on PJs, you'll have a better chance of giving air access to the region, preventing infections.

It's how our ancestors did it: If you're a Paleo-dieter who eats like a caveman, why not sleep like one, too? Neurologist Rachel Salas with the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep in 2013 told the Wall Street Journal that "back in the cave days," people slept naked. It was, in part, a means of protection from predators, and that feeling of safety could be imparted by sleeping similarly in modern day.

It could be better for the immune system: Mic reports that when skin-on-skin contact occurs, our adrenal glands get a message: lighten up on the production of the stress hormone cortisol. As one doctor explains, "Cortisol suppresses the immune response." Skin-to-skin contact also increases levels of oxytocin, which can have positive effects on blood pressure and healing, says Salas.

Body temp affects sleep: A 2004 study found that for sleep to "initiate normally," core body temp matters. Per a researcher, "Studies of sleep onset insomniacs show that they consistently have a warmer core body temperature immediately before initiating sleep, when compared with normal healthy adults."

homemade recipe for a lighter vagina

A dark vagina can be an embarrassing problem for a lot of women, but thankfully there is an easy home made recipe for this.

Mixed 1 tsp of the yoghurt with 1 tsp of the milk, a squirt of lemon juice, 1 tsp of rice powder and 1 tsp of the turmeric. Don't add too much rice powder, as this will make your lightening mask feel like dough, making it hard to spread out over your skin. You want to have a light mixture, almost like a face mask. The more turmeric the better. 

You don't have to, but I recommend shaving your vagina before applying the lightening mixture. It's more hygienic and allows you to see and feel the result better. 

Now, apply this mixture to your vagina. Leave it on for 20 minutes. If possible, sit by your bath tub on an old towel or rag to avoid any yellow stains and cleaning work. If you have any leftover, apply anywhere you want your skin to become more fair: face, neck, lower stomach, knees, legs, hands... it mights work even better there, because...the skin discoloration in your labia might be permanent. That's mother nature! On the other hand, and for that reason, skin discoloration in that area is not something to worry much about or to be ashamed about. It's just nicer if it works for you. 

When your finished, take place in your shower or bath tub and rinse with warm water. Use a soap with neutral pH designed for the vagina, because turmeric isn't a very clean smell. Feel how fresh and plump your labia are now! They are supposed to look a bit more pink after first use and the result doesn't go away. try for a couple of day in raw to see a beter result.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

8 facts you should knows about vaginas

This is a long article you may should save it and read a part of it each time, so now here is 8 facts that maybe you didn't know about vagina.

1. It cleans itself. 

Step away from the soap and harsh cleansers, gals. Your vagina keeps itself clean. "It's lined by a variety of glands that produce the fluids needed to both lubricate and cleanse the vaginal area," says Lisa Stern, APRN, a nurse practitioner who works with Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles. "The vast majority of vaginal infections I see in my office are self-induced—generally by women who think they're doing a good thing by washing their vagina with soap and water, or worse, with douche." Bath products, particularly those with chemical dyes or fragrances, can irritate the vagina and wash away the beneficial lubricants and flora (bacteria and yeast) that are normal and natural, she says. When these beneficial compounds get washed away, anaerobic bacteria and yeast proliferate and can cause symptoms like discharge, odor and itching. Lesson learned: While a little mild soap on the labia area is OK, your body does a fine job of keeping the insides clean.

2. It grows in size when aroused.

"The average length of a vagina is 3 to 4 inches long," says Lissa Rankin, MD, gynecologist and author of What's Up Down There? Questions You'd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend. Sounds sort of small, and possibly unaccommodating to your well-endowed husband or partner, right? Fear not, nature makes room. "It can double in length when aroused," Dr. Rankin explains. But she adds that many women still have pain during sex when their partner is on the larger side. She recommends using plenty of lubricant and going slow. "Encourage your partner to have fun with foreplay," she says. "The more aroused you feel, the less intercourse will hurt."

3. Just like your face, your vagina also wrinkles with age.

It's a fact of life: The appearance of your lady parts may change with age. "The labia may become less plump as estrogen levels wane, fatty pads in the labia shrink and less collagen can lead to more sagging," says Dr. Rankin. "The skin of the vulva may darken or lighten and the clitoris may shrink. It's normal either way." Scary? Nah. "These changes, which are often related to decreasing levels of estrogen, do not affect how much pleasure your girl parts can bring you."

4. You can't lose something in your vagina (like a tampon).

Everyone's heard the myth that things can get "lost" in there. "The vagina is bounded at the inner end by the cervix and by the vagina's own tissue," says Stern. In other words, your vagina is not connected to another area of your body so don't worry about anything going missing! However, "Sometimes a tampon can get lodged deep inside the vagina, like if it's accidentally left in place during intercourse. If this happens, your healthcare provider should be able to remove it easily with a speculum and forceps," she says.

5. Some women ejaculate with orgasm.

"It definitely happens, and it's not uncommon," says Dr. Rankin. "It seems to be a learned skill and happens more commonly as women get older and learn how their bodies work." So how does it happen? "There are glands around the urethra—the tube between the bladder and the outside world—that probably secrete fluid, particularly when the anterior wall of the vagina (a.k.a. the G Spot) is stimulated." Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN, a sexuality researcher and professor at Rutgers College of Nursing, describes this area as " 'the female prostate,' a collection of glands, blood vessels, nerves and spongy tissue that, when stimulated, seem to create fluid in some women."

6. Your vagina may change dramatically after childbirth.

"Post-childbirth the vagina doesn't so much look different as it feels different," says Dr. Rankin. "As a gynecologist, I can almost always tell if a woman has delivered vaginally or not. I need a larger speculum for a woman who has had two kids than for a childless woman. But from the outside, you can't tell unless a woman has torn during childbirth, in which case she may have a faint scar at the site of her tear or episiotomy." If you're uncomfortable with the way your vagina has stretched and changed after childbirth, Rankin has a one-word recommendation: Kegels! "These exercises can really help," she says. A refresher course: You can do them anywhere, anytime. Just squeeze the muscles you use to start and stop the flow of urine, holding for a few seconds at a time, and repeating in sets of 10—or more, if you're up to the task!

7. The vagina is like a bicep, use it or lose it. 

"It's true that the vagina stays healthier when you're using it with some regularity," says Dr. Rankin. "Not only does sex keep the sensitive vaginal tissue healthy, but it's almost as if your yoni has a memory. If you keep reminding your vagina that it has a purpose beyond reproduction, it's likely to rise to the occasion." Case in point: If you neglect your vagina for too long (no sex, no Kegel exercises, etc.), the vaginal walls can become fragile, she says. And when menopause strikes, it may scar and close off a bit. But sex isn't the only answer: Your doctor can suggest specific exercises and instruments that can help the vagina stay in tip-top shape.

8. Vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman. 

Dr. Rankin notes that the average amount of vaginal discharge a woman of reproductive age secretes over a period of eight hours weighs 1.55 grams (a gram is equivalent to about 1/4 teaspoon). But, some women produce much less and others produce much more—and the variations are completely normal! "You produce the greatest amount of discharge (1.96 grams) around the time of ovulation," she says. "Of course, every woman is different. Some women have ectropion, when the mucous-producing glands that are usually on the inside of the cervix evert onto the outside of the cervix. If your cervix has this normal feature, you may produce more cervical mucous, which increases the amount of vaginal discharge you have. Some women produce very scant amounts of discharge and others make much more. In the absence of infection, it's normal either way." And the color? It varies, too—and just because there's a pigment to it, doesn't mean you have an infection. "Normal vaginal discharge is whitish, but may appear yellowish when it dries," she says. "But if your vaginal discharge appears greenish when wet, you have itching or burning, your discharge smells extra-fishy or you think you're at risk for STDs, get it checked just to be on the safe side."

exercice for better sex experience

sex is one of the best experience in life, and we can make it even more good if we improve it, and we can do it by doing this simple three exercices

Kegel Exercises

When it comes to fitness, Kegels count too! These pelvic-floor-strengthening exercises that your ob-gyn is always encouraging you to do can have big payoffs when it comes to sexual satisfaction, says Tone It Up cofounder Karena Dawn, a certified personal trainer in Los Angeles. "Kegels consist of contracting and relaxing the muscles in your pelvic floor," she explains. "Improving the strength of these vaginal muscles is beneficial for greater sexual satisfaction and stronger orgasms, as well as preventing urinary or bowel incontinence and pelvic prolapse in women." To do a proper Kegel, tighten your pelvic muscles (the ones that control the start and stop of urine). Hold for about 5 seconds, relax and then repeat. Dawn recommends doing Kegels for at least 5 minutes every day. (Psst! You can do them anywhere—even right now—and no one will know but you!)

Bridge Pose
Another yoga pose that can improve your sexual enjoyment is the bridge pose. "This exercise helps strengthen the lower back, gluteus muscles and hamstrings," says Dr. Castellanos. "It helps enhance a woman's sexual experience because it increases her strength and endurance in these muscles, which are used to create resistance during a man's thrusting, thereby increasing the intensity of the thrust." Start out lying flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lay your arms to the side of your body, lift your hips up in the air and squeeze your gluteus muscles. Continue to press upward until just your upper back/shoulders, arms and feet are touching the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds, breathing normally, then slowly lower back down to the floor and relax for a few seconds before repeating again. Aim for three sets of 10 reps each.

Seated Leg Extensions

Do your thighs quiver during and after sex—but not in a good way? "The large muscles of the thighs are often used during sex and can get fatigued quickly since they are such a large muscle group," says Dr. Castellanos. The solution: seated leg extensions. "Find a stable chair in which you can sit up straight and have your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the floor," she says. "While keeping your thigh and knee as steady as possible, lift one foot up to straighten your leg slowly, then bring it back down to the floor. Do three sets of 10 reps for each leg.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


If you suffer or your partner from premature ejalucation, here is some trick to do that will give you some extra minutes.

The truth is that there are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and being able to last longer in bed is something that lies within your control.

1 – Take Some Deep Breaths

A lot of men when it comes to sex can get very nervous and fearful of premature ejaculation. As a result, they get all tense, sweaty and start taking lots of short, sharp and shallow breaths.

Unfortunately, this is a great recipe for premature ejaculation. So next time you find your nerves kicking in, take 10 slow deep breaths and just watch how you suddenly become a lot more relaxed and last longer too.

2 – Become James Bond

Another way to get rid of your nerves and prevent premature ejaculation is to change your thoughts. If you’re constantly worrying about how bad it’s going to be if you orgasm too soon then you’re bound to make yourself nervous and actually end up making it happen.

On the other hand, if you spend your time thinking like James Bond would think, i.e. seeing yourself in control, just enjoying the moment and not stressing about anything, then you’ll have no nerves to encourage premature ejaculation.

3 – Urinate Before Sex

This is a dead simple way to prevent premature ejaculation, but it’s one that men forget about time and time again. Don’t be like most other men.

Remember to go to the bathroom before having sex. By doing this you take the pressure off your genitals and lasting longer will come naturally.

4 – Stroke The Roof Of Your Mouth With Your Tongue

OK, I know what you’re thinking. This one is a bit “out there”, but at the end of the day this technique works.

By stroking the roof of your mouth you’ll find that by putting all your attention into doing this weird thing you distract yourself from all the pleasure in your genitals.

This distraction is a great way of getting your control back in the bedroom and lasting longer.

5 – Go For A Second Round

If all else fails, just go for a second round. Women care a lot less than you probably think about premature ejaculation. And this is especially true if you take the time to come back for a second round when you can really pleasure her.

So if you ejaculate early don’t worry about it too much. You can always just learn from your mistakes and go for a second round… I’m sure she’ll thank you for it.

So there are 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation, use them wisely.

Oh, and go check out this cool video I’ve just posted online about how to last longer in bed.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

yoga for boobs!!!

Yes, that's right, the boob's yoga.
There are many ways to make your breasts larger naturally. One of these ways is yoga.
here is some yoga postures.

some exercice to get a rounded butt

Before I give the list of some exercice that can help you to get a rounded butt, i want to say as a man, i love women for their personality, their smartness before their body, i'm not saying that the body doesn't matter, of course it matter, but believe me, it's not how big your boobs or your butt that turn the mens on, it's your confidence in your look and your body that can lead the mens to a great sex experience with you.
and now here is the list, and you can find on youtube the demonstration of each one of them.

you want some extra estrogene ? eat this.

The estrogene is a feminin hormone that give the women her look, more estrogene mean more big butt and more big boobs and more beauty, this is a list of a top of food that contain the estrogene or help your body to produce it.

Friday, May 15, 2015

what to feed you husband to give him more sperm


A powerful aphrodisiac, dark chocolate contains L-Arginine. This is an amino acid which is known to increase semen volume as well as improve the intensity of your orgasms. Just don’t overdo it or else you will end up gaining weight which will only reduce levels of testosterone in your body and your sperm count.

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important role in improving testosterone levels as well as sperm production. Oysters are rich sources of this mineral. An increase in testosterone levels also helps improve your sexual desire and energy, which means that you are going to derive more pleasure from your sexual encounters besides having higher chances of conceiving

High in protein and vitamin E, eggs are considered to help in the production of healthy and strong sperm in the testicles. They are also believed to prevent sperm cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which may kill sperm.


Bananas contain an enzyme called bromelain which is supposed to increase male libido. They are also rich sources of vitamin B, which can help bring an increase in stamina, making sure that you have more energy available for your sexual encounters


Leafy green vegetables such as spinach are rich sources of folic acid. Low levels of folate can give rise to distorted sperm shapes such as ones with two heads or two tails. The sperm are also at an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities. This means that firstly your sperm will find it difficult to reach an egg and even if it does reach an egg, it will not be able to fertilize it. Furthermore, even if these sperms are able to fertilize an egg, the chances of birth defects are quite high in such cases.


A green vegetable that is high in vitamin C, asparagus is also a good food to increase sperm volume. Vitamin C protects the sperm cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and thus ensures that the sperm store in the male reproductive system does not get depleted


Garlic is a very effective food that has been used for centuries in treating various physical ailments including heart problems and respiratory infections. What most people don’t know is that it is also a potent aphrodisiac and very effective in boosting sperm volume. It contains a compound called allicin which improves blood flow to the male sexual organs, increasing sperm production and semen volume.


Vitamin A is an important nutrient for increasing sperm production as well as improving their motility. Carrots are rich in this nutrient. You can also consume vitamin A by eating foods such as oatmeal, red bell peppers and dried apricots


These berries are known to improve your overall stamina and mood. But that’s not all, they also keep temperatures in the scrotum at the optimum level. The scrotum contains the testes which produce sperm. Higher temperatures tend to hamper the sperm production and decrease the volume that is released in a man’s ejaculate. They also promote sperm production by improving blood circulation and protecting against free radical damage.


Another key nutrient for sperm volume is omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are supposed to increase sperm count as well as improve blood flow to the penis.


Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which are known to improve testosterone production and reduce the size of an enlarged production. Both these factors help in increasing sperm count as well as semen volume. They also contain essential fatty acids that improve blood flow to the male reproductive organs


Ginseng is a powerful herb known for its powerful effects on improving virility in men. It increases sex drive and also enhances your sexual performance. It has been found to be quite effective in men with erectile dysfunctions, increasing semen volume and sperm production.


This one is another herb that is known to increase semen volume. It has been found that men who consume this herb in the form of a supplement can expect higher sperm count per milliliter of semen, higher semen volume per ejaculation and also better sperm motility. It is also known to have a positive effect on the sex drive and arousal of both men and women