Saturday, May 23, 2015

mens become stupid next to attractive womens

It should come as no surprise that the sight of an attractive female has a devastating effect on the cognitive functioning of the male brain. Studies and surveys have verified this in a variety of different ways. Some show that this most natural of male reactions can have dangerous consequences.

Men Retain Less Information When The Anchor Of A News Show Is An Attractive Female

A study was conducted where 400 men were randomly assigned to watch one of two versions of the news delivered by the same woman. In one version, the 24 year old woman was dressed in an outfit that emphasized her waist-to-hip ratio. She also wore bright red lipstick and a necklace. In the other, she wore shapeless, loose fitting clothes and did not use lipstick or wear a necklace.

The men were subsequently tested, and it was found that those who watched the “sexualized” version retained significantly less news information than the men who watched the “desexualized” version.

Male Drivers Are More Likely To Crash Their Car When Distracted By An Attractive Woman

A survey of 15,000 Irish motorists found that 30 percent of the men came close to getting into an accident as a result of being distracted by an attractive female. Pedestrians and bicyclists primarily caught their attention.

Women Ruin Men’s Ability To Think

Researchers at the university of Leuven gave 176 heterosexual male students, aged 18 to 28, a set of financial games to test their fair play. Roughly half were shown pictures of landscapes, while the other half were shown photos of attractive women.

The men who had viewed the sexy images were more likely to accept an unfair offer than those who viewed the landscapes. It was also found that higher testosterone levels made them more susceptible to distraction by the sexy images.

Men Literally Lose Their Minds When Talking To Attractive Women

Psychologists at Radboud University, performed a study on 40 male heterosexual students. The students were first given a memory test and then had a seven minute chat with either a male or female. The men who chatted with the female showed a performance decline when they took the memory test a second time.