Sunday, May 31, 2015

type of bad brows and the perfect one

Type: The big ‘M’. As in, semi-circle brows that
look like they need a compass to navigate them.
Effect: First, these are the opposite of sophisticated
(read: tarty). Second, they add five kilos instantly—
this is the best way to add weight (in a bad way) to
your face. Third, they make your nose look bigger.
And fourth, they make your eyes look droopy.

Type: The downhill.
Effect: Speaks for itself. Just look closer at this
sketch: sad, sad eyes; hello, puffy eyelids. These
brows do nothing but make you look haggard
and tired.

Type: The parting of the Red Sea.
Effect: Wide-set brows give you a blank
expression and you look a little alien-ish. In
terms of features, they throw the whole face out
of balance, and they widen your nose like you
would not believe.

Type: The triangle.
Effect: These brows mean you’re peaking too
soon. By lifting the brow in the middle of the
eye, you’re causing a downhill puffy eyelid, and
distorting your eye shape. It makes your
eyebrows look like arrows pointing at the sky.
This is a very hard look.

If any of the above brows belong to you, then my advice is an urgent brow
rehab! But if yours don’t strictly fit in with these types of brows, how can
you tell if your brows suit you? First, look at yourself closely in the mirror.
Study your eyes and brows and then completely cover your brows with
your index fingers. Look at your eyes again. Do they look better with or
without your current brows? If the answer is ‘without’, this says that your
brows are doing more harm than good to your look. Now, don’t run for the
wax pot! Book an appointment with a brow specialist (someone with good
word-of-mouth reputation—ask your well-browed friends where they go),
who will be able to design the perfect brow shape for you.

How to achieve the perfect brows
Have you ever been told to start your eyebrows from an imaginary line
upwards from your outer nostril or from the inner corner of your eye? In this
scenario, if you have a wide nose or flared nostrils, you should start your
brows closer to your eyeballs, with a huge gap in between. Right? Wrong!
As you can see from the following photos, a harsh arch in the
wrong place can create a puffy eye and uneven brows are the right
ingredients for a drooping or lopsided face. Likewise, a gap that is too big
between a set of brows can actually make a nose look really big. That is
why having the right brow shape is essential. The correct brow can make
eyes look bigger, rectify unevenness, straighten your nose and make your
face much more striking. In other words, the correct brow is important in
making a beautiful face and therefore makeup.
The easiest way to achieve a foolproof brow is to follow a few small
rules and three long lines.