Saturday, May 23, 2015

wearing socks during sex help to achieve the orgasm

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Wageningen in the Nederlands, found that the ability for men and women to orgasm during during sex rose significantly if they slapped on a pair of socks.

Well, the “Orgasmic Sock Effect” was first discovered during a 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University.   During that study, couples where having sex while undergoing brain scanning, so researchers could investigate how psychological states and physical stimulation affect people’s ability to orgasm.

During the study, the participants began to complain about the cool temperatures in the scanning room, so the researchers gave the couples pairs of socks to wear in order to do the deed in relative comfort.  What they found after was quite astonishing.  Providing the couples with socks helped increase their ability to orgasm from 50% to 80%.

The University of Wageningen study focused on whether socks could indeed increase the ability to orgasm, and guess what?  It did, from 50% to 80%.

OK . . . .  How does it work?

Researchers surmised that keeping feet warm allowed for a more comfortable state in which to enjoy the sexual experience.  This level of comfort allowed the couples to be more relaxed and focused on their activity.

So, to make the evening perfect, don’t forget the music, the candles, and a comfy pair of tube socks.