Saturday, July 25, 2020

Apple Cider Vinegar for Candida


Candida are a group of yeasts that can cause fungal infections in different parts of the body. There are more than 20 different types of candida, but Candida albicans is the most common cause of infection.

Candida normally live in the body without causing problems. They can be found in the intestines and on a type of tissue called mucous membranes, which line the vagina and mouth.

Candida are opportunistic fungi that can grow out of control in the right circumstances. An overgrowth of candida causes an infection with a variety of symptoms. In the vagina, a candida infection is commonly known as a yeast infection. An infection in the mouth is called thrush. People with diabetes get yeast infections more often.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a scientifically proven antifungal. Laboratory researchTrusted Source shows that it can inhibit the growth of candida cultivating in a petri dish.

While it’s important to note that a petri dish is much different than a person, you may be able to use diluted ACV to treat a yeast infection by ingesting it or applying it directly to the affected area. There’s probably little risk to trying this approach.

What does the research say?

According to research ACV has benefits as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. A 2018 studyTrusted Source found that undiluted (or mildly diluted) ACV can prevent the growth of candida. The researchers discovered this effect in a candida culture, which is a small sample of these organisms.

However, more research is required to discover whether ACV works to combat yeast in the human body. It appears that this opportunistic fungus doesn’t like ACV. Consuming ACV could potentially make your body less hospitable to fungus, which means it wouldn’t grow out of control and cause an infection.

How is it used as a treatment?

You can use ACV to combat candida in a variety of different ways. You can take it to treat an overgrowth or incorporate it into your daily routine to prevent future infections.

Drink it straight

Apple cider vinegar can be taken straight, undiluted. Try taking 1 tablespoon twice per day. If you don’t like the taste, try adding a drop of honey. Follow it with a glass of water.

Continue this routine daily until your candida infection clears up or for as long as desired. You might just want to add it to salads to get the benefits.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Traditional Guacamole

What you’ll need:

  • 2 Hass Avocados, ripe but firm, cut in 2” pieces
  • 2 oz. White Onion, cut into 1” pieces
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • ½ Medium Beefsteak Tomato, cut in 4 pieces
  • Juice from ½ Lime
  • 15 Cilantro Leaves, whole
  • ½ Tsp Kosher Salt
  • Hot Sauce to taste

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How fighting is a love sign

According to recent surveys, 44% of married couples ( believe that fighting more than once a week helps them to keep healthy and productive relationships for a long time. In fact, couples who argue often, but always in a peaceful manner, are more likely to stay together because, despite all the small misunderstandings, they know that their love is true and sincere.
We at Bright Side learned why fighting from time to time can be good for your relationships.

9. Fighting is a sign of a mature relationship.

Constant conflict avoidance is definitely not the best way to build a long-lasting relationship. On the contrary, if you’re able to speak your mind clearly when arguing, it means that you’re ready to take your love to another level (
Mature people don’t resort to personal attacks or yelling either. Instead, they always try to reach a compromise and improve their relationship with the help of a healthy argument.

8. Fighting means you care.

Of course, it would be much easier to just turn a blind eye to some of your partner’s habits that drive you crazy. But the fact that you’re ready to withstand all the pain and discomfort of fighting to get a better result in the future may be a sign of your true love.
In other words, arguing means that you’re more committed. Just remember — how often do you fight with your parents or your siblings? The same goes for your partner: if you argue a lot and always get over it, this means that you see the bigger picture ( with your loved one.

7. Fighting makes your communication easier.

In order to create trust in your relationship, you shouldn’t keep quiet. On the contrary, it’s necessary to approach your partner with an open mind, taking responsibility for your actions and listening to each other carefully.
Since arguing is one of the major forms of communication and the most honest one, it really helps to accelerate the feelings of intimacy, trust, and connection and to teach your partner how to communicate ( with you in a more productive way.

6. Fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship.

Psychologists ( believe that there are 7 key points to a healthy and happy relationship,and arguing is one of them. In fact, if a couple never argues, this may be a sign that something isn’t quite right with them.
Arguing helps couples reconsider their values and feelings by addressing and discussing the things that are important to them. However, your argument should be healthy and non-combative — always try to state your points without name-calling or raising your voice.

5. Fighting makes your connection stronger.

When you’re arguing with your partner, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. The most valuable thing is that you learn a lot about each other and even more importantly, about yourself.
Small conflicts ( help both of you reveal your true nature and show your partner how to deal with it. And if you manage to overcome all the challenges together, you will learn how to compromise and strengthen the bond between you.

4. Fighting relieves your resentment.

Being in a relationship is not that easy — if you care about your partner, you always have to flex your boundaries. And if they don’t do the same for you, you may start feeling resentment (
Not standing your ground when it comes to the things that are important to you may make your partner think that they can have whatever they want, and your resentment will only grow. That’s the road to an unhealthy relationship.
The best way to deal with this problem is to let your negative feelings out and show your partner that you’re both equals with your own needs.

3. Fighting means you’re more likely to stay together.

According to some studies (, the biggest mistake that couples usually makeis avoidance — we often feel that something is wrong but say nothing. And this poor communication becomes the most common reason for breaking up.
Although you may believe that discussing sensitive issues won’t do any good for your relationship, that’s actually not true. Fighting allows you to focus on your problems and to solve them before they become too large. That’s why couples who argue together, stay together for a long period of time.

2. Fighting reveals your passion.

Some couples really enjoy intense arguments because they increase their hormone levels. Subconsciously, those people know that fighting is just a sign of their passion (, and their disagreement will end up being an even more passionate makeup.
If you want to keep your relationship strong and thriving, it’s necessary to let your emotions out from time to time rather than to hold them in. But don’t forget to finish any argument in a positive way.

1. Fighting saves you from boredom.

Even if you’ve been together for several years, there will always be some things you don’t agree on. And that’s not bad at all — constructive conflicts may fuel the spark of your relationship and make it more exciting.
Just imagine how boring ( your love would be if you both always agreed on everything! So don’t panic next time you feel that there’s going to be an argument between you and your loved one. Instead, try to make it beneficial for your relationship and future life together.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

how to "smoky eyes"

1 Prep the eye and powder lightly; this
will help with the blending. Apply a
smoky chocolate-brown shadow under
the eye. Keep the shape slightly
rounded (as shown).

how to "bronzed eyes"

1 Prep the eyelid, making sure it is well
powdered all around; this will help you
to blend eye shadows better. Using a
wet medium brush, apply antique gold
eye shadow to the entire eyelid. Wetting
the brush will minimise fallout and
intensify the gold.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

remove the lips dead skin

Dead skin on Lips can be a problem for so many people. thank god you can remove them easily
and the best way is  by exfoliating them once a week.
to do that
Take an old brush and gently exfoliate the dead skin on your lips.
After exfoliating with a brush try this recipe Gentle Exfoliater.

1 Tsp Brown or white sugar
1 tsp Honey
Crushed Rose petals (optional)

Mix them all together and apply. Let it sit for a minute or two and gently exfoliate. This recipe makes your lips soft,
supple and velvety.
You can apply Virgin Coconut Oil in the night before going to bed to moisturize your lips.