Monday, May 25, 2015

benefits of kissing

It’s too easy to get stuck in a routine, as crazy and hectic as it may be, and not take a timeout every now and then to give some lovin’ to your significant other. Another long day comes to a close and you drift off to sleep maybe without even having thought about reminding you partner that you love them, let alone getting frisky after the kids are asleep. But tomorrow, take every passing chance for a quick smooch because it is, in fact, good for your health and the health of your relationship. Here are five reasons why you should seize the moments when you pass in the hallway or prepare your coffee in the kitchen to lock lips with your significant other.

Kissing helps reduce stress. According to Everyday Health, kissing lowers levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and increases levels of oxytocin. As a result, you can relax and enjoy the moment, forgetting the pressures of each day while giving special attention to your mate.

Kissing makes you happy. In addition to easing stress, stealing a kiss helps make you happier. When you engage in a kissing session, your body releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. According to Women’s Health, kissing can also result in a stronger relationship. Happiness and satisfaction in a relationship can create a positive chain reaction that resonates throughout your home.

Kissing fights cavities. According to  CNN, the saliva swap that occurs during a make-out session helps wash away plaque and ultimately fights cavities. This isn’t an excuse to skip brushing your teeth, but how great is it that something so fun can be good for your teeth?

Kissing boosts your immunity. A dose of kissing results in an exchange of germs. In response, your body produces antibodies to fight sickness, which makes kissing a vaccine of sorts. So lay ‘em on thick! (via Popsugar)

Kissing helps with weight loss. Don’t be deceived. If you give your partner a quick peck each morning, you aren’t going to see the pounds just fall off. A really intense kissing escapade, however, can raise your heart rate and double your metabolic rate. In addition, because kissing lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone also associated with overeating, it also causes you to eat less and shed some pounds. (via WebMD)

It’s easy to see that the benefits of kissing are all interwoven to positively effect several areas of your life. Not only will you see the benefits when you take time to lay some sugar on your significant other, but your partner will see reap the benefits, too. Be intentional and steal a kiss. You’ll feel better and so will your relationship.