Friday, May 22, 2015

Is It Possible To Have A Casual Relationship When You’re Divorced With Kids?

You’ve probably heard people saying that divorced moms and dads should only date, have sex, or even re-marry when their children are already 18. Although it’s a bad idea for parents to bring home different dates and invite them to sleep over while their children are at home, there are scenarios that allow divorced parents to date without affecting their kids too much. They can go out on a date while someone looks after their kids. Some parents prefer casual relationships before engaging in something serious. The question is, is it possible for divorced moms and dads to get into a causal relationship?

What happens when parents don’t date after a divorce?

Single Parents are more prone to depression, if they don’t start dating after a divorce
Single Parents are more prone to depression, if they don’t start dating after a divorce
If divorcees don’t date until their children are 18, they may just give their kids the message that they’ll have to pay the price of marrying the wrong person for many years. Young adults may be reluctant or even afraid to get into a relationship and some may never marry at all. They become worried that they’ll marry the wrong person and suffer forever. This can cause fear, and some kids may choose to stay single forever.
Romance and sex are two of the perks that you enjoy as an adult. There’s no need to sacrifice too much and end up forgetting about these perks. Even if people say that having a casual relationship will hurt your kids emotional health, it will really depend on the kind of love and care you give them. As long as you show your love and care for them, getting into a casual relationship won’t pose problems. Respect your children as they respect you and never forget to have ample time for them.

What should you do before engaging in a casual relationship?

If your kids are between 5 to 10 years old, expect them to be possessive. Your kids are also affected by the divorce and are dealing with different issues caused by the divorce. As a parent, you need to let your kids know how important they are. They should know that they have the right to continue having a good relationship with your ex-spouse. Also, your children should understand the possibility that someone new might come into your life. You have to do all of this before you even start dating casually.

Is it all right to introduce your partner to your kids if you’re still in a casual relationship?

It is not advisable to introduce a casual relationship partner to your kids. Casual relationships don’t last (they rarely do), and you don’t want your kids to see you having different partners now and then. It will make them confused. And because your children love you, they’ll be more afraid that you’ll get hurt over and over again. Being a parent, you don’t want your kids to trouble themselves too much just because you’re dating different people. Give them the chance to be kids. Don’t give them anything to worry about most especially when it comes to your relationships.

What should you do when you’re in a casual relationship?

Be honest. Make sure that you know the reason why you’re getting into the relationship. Also, you have to be honest to your partner that you have kids. It may not matter considering that you’re just in a casual relationship. Then again, it’s still best to be honest so it’s easier to say no in case your children need you.
Be safe. Even if it’s just a casual relationship, remember that that are some people who won’t hesitate to hurt you or take advantage of you. You can’t let someone you barely know physically hurt you or you’ll have a hard time fulfilling your responsibilities as a parent.
Set your priorities. As a parent, your kids should come first. You can’t let your casual relationship make you less of a parent. Keep in mind that you’re in the relationship just for the fun. Don’t allow it to ruin the relationship you have with your children.
Don’t take your partner home. This isn’t a good idea especially if you don’t know the person well. Your children are at home and there’s a chance that they’ll meet your partner.

So is it possible to have a casual relationship even if you are divorced and you have children?

Yes, it is. You can manage to have a casual relationship and still be a good parent. It’s a matter of knowing your priorities. In case the casual relationship causes trouble and makes you have parenting problems, you know what to do. End the relationship and focus on your children. Give yourself some time before you get into another relationship.