Saturday, May 16, 2015

you want some extra estrogene ? eat this.

The estrogene is a feminin hormone that give the women her look, more estrogene mean more big butt and more big boobs and more beauty, this is a list of a top of food that contain the estrogene or help your body to produce it.

1. Dried Fruits

Dried fruit, especially dried apricots, dates, and prunes, can help balance your estrogen levels in a big way. They are also a healthy snack that can keep you away from the vending machine with a sweet and satisfying chewiness, as well as added fiber.

These dried fruits contain phytoestrogens, which will mimic the way estrogen is used by the body, helping to fill any shortages you may have in estrogen, and producing the same effect as if you had generated more estrogen in the body.

When eating dried fruit, remember that the drying process concentrates all parts of the fruit, so you’ll generally be getting more vitamins and nutrients from them, but you’ll also be getting more sugar, so it may take less dried fruit to make a serving than if it were fresh.

2. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are the number one way to help get more estrogen into the body, and you can either eat them directly or add them to other foods, just be sure to add them to your diet if estrogen is a concern.

Flaxseeds are high in fiber, and will therefore help you feel full during and after a meal, and help a sluggish digestive system. They are often recommended for weight loss because of their fiber content, and can help lower cholesterol as well. That’s a lot of benefit from a little seed.
Flaxseeds are a fantastic source of omega-3s as well, but it’s the ALA form from plants, and not the same as you get from salmon and other animal sources. This form of omega-3 is helpful at keeping arteries from hardening, which can help prevent strokes and heart attacks and provide other heart healthy benefits.

3. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds contain phytoestrogens, and you can also use sesame seed oil if that makes it easier, as they both contain lignans with possess the phytoestrogens.

Sesame seeds are loaded with fiber, and they are also a great source of minerals. Because of their small size you can easily add them to other foods that are lacking to help make up for some of that deficiency. For example, a tablespoon of sesame seeds is going to give you nearly a tenth of what you need each day for iron, magnesium, and calcium, as well as 4% of your total fiber.

Unfortunately the sesame seeds stuck to the bun of a Big Mac don’t qualify, you’ll want to sesame seeds by themselves or in conjunction with other healthy foods to reap their benefits.

4. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a natural source of phytoestrogen, which isn’t actually estrogen but does a good job of standing in for it.

The most common way chickpeas are prepared and eaten is in the form of hummus, but falafel is also a popular way to go. They don’t have much flavor of their own, so it’s important to mix them with other foods, spices, and seasonings to make them something you’ll enjoy eating.

Chickpeas are also high in fiber and protein, which makes them a great choice if you’re looking to reduce your meat consumption. They’ll help you feel full, and keep you feeling that way longer because of that combination of fiber and protein.