Saturday, May 16, 2015

some exercice to get a rounded butt

Before I give the list of some exercice that can help you to get a rounded butt, i want to say as a man, i love women for their personality, their smartness before their body, i'm not saying that the body doesn't matter, of course it matter, but believe me, it's not how big your boobs or your butt that turn the mens on, it's your confidence in your look and your body that can lead the mens to a great sex experience with you.
and now here is the list, and you can find on youtube the demonstration of each one of them.

1. Deep Squats: Stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart. Keeping your chest high and your knees above your ankles, lower your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push up through the heels to come back to standing position. That's one rep.

2. Squat With Alternating High Kick: Stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart. Keeping your chest high and your knees above your ankles, lower your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you push up through the heels to come back to standing position, lift your left leg off the ground and kick it straight up as high as you can. Place it back on the floor and sink into a second squat. As you come up, kick with the right leg. Bring the leg back to the floor to complete one rep.

3. Squat Jumps With Alternating Fan Kick: Stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart. Keeping your chest high and your knees above your ankles, lower your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor. In one explosive movement, push up through your heels and jump straight up into the air. Land in a squat position, then press up through your heels to stand as you lift your left leg off the ground, point your left toes, and swing the leg up and around in a large, counterclockwise circle. Then place it back on the floor and sink into a second squat jump. Land in a squat, come up to stand, and lift your right leg off the ground, point the right toes, and swing your leg in a large, clockwise circle. Bring the leg back to the floor to complete one rep.